Monday 22 April 2013

The April Quotation.

April Week 4 Quotation week

Hi everyone, I have planned this midweek during Kathi’s music nostalgia since on Friday until Monday I will be without my laptop. Because of this I am not really able to comment on the blogs that have been posted, except to say thank goodness Karen loves her music and can make up for me who hardly ever listens to music and never ever sang to anyone, including my children!! Sorry Kathi as it was a great idea for everyone else!! 
I will be able to read but not blog or comment on Lucky Snapping until Monday night, so forgive me if you don’t hear from me until then!

This week our quote comes from Dan Zandra. He is the Founder and Creative Director of Compendium, Inc., one of the nation's foremost creators of inspiring books and gifts. 
He has written several award-winning books and best-sellers, compiled more than fifty inspiring quotation books, and served as a communications or creativity consultant for dozens of the nation's best-known brands, including several Fortune 500 companies.

Here is a short video about The Believe Book he has written. I can imagine Anne off to buy it now!!

Here is our quote
 “ Make rest and refreshment a necessity, not a luxury”

I am hoping that this quote will get you snapping again!  
Let’s show each other photos of ourselves, friends, family and even strangers resting and eating or photos of what we do or would like to do for rest and for refreshment!

Looking forward to seeing more photos on your blogs
Take care and Happy Snapping!

Love Lynne xx


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you jenni, hope you can log this week?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice one Lynne, hmm rest ..... what is that???? lol I am learning ...slowly!! Have a good week. The video clip is very inspring, love it. Thanks for sharing. xx

    1. Thankfully Karen having retired I know what rest is like...and love it :)

  4. Not fair you know me so well, Lynne, LOL.
    Very interesting quote, will think about it. xxx

    1. I knew you would love that Youtube Anne :)...sorry!!

  5. I like it too.. our whole family life revolves around me feeding and them being fed! Thanks Lynne.. k xx

  6. Love this quote Lynne. I've had to learn to rest as I found it very difficult with having a large family.

  7. Hello Viv, thank you, back online :)

  8. Great Video! A quote is brilliant!
    More so there was Day / 20 / - "Let's clean Bulgaria only for 1 day!"
    You said it better! Cleaning / refreshing / is debt and a necessity -
    not a luxury / for 1 day/!
    I will try to take part here. Maybe with pictures and projects -
    and not with the writing.
    I have good ideas for your topics, but I don't have time to do all that I want.
    Thank you very much, dear Lynne!
    Good luck!

    Please also see this too:

    1. Hi Borqna I am finally back online with a new hard drive and windows7!!!

      hope you get some photos for us this week, like what you take :) xx
