Monday 25 March 2013

The March Quotation

March week 4 Quotation week

Hi everyone gosh where did the last 3 weeks go?

Thanks to Kathi for her week on Nostalgia – letting us find out more about each other.  I have loved finding out more about each of you!
Gosh what a phenomenal memory Kathi has!  How amazing that both Kathi and Anne had been influenced by teachers and how similar their stories were!
I really struggled at first; Like Karen I thought I had no facts to tell you that you didn’t know already and that it would not be interesting to read.  Once again I was amazed at what I finally blogged about myself!

This month my quote comes from a movie (might as well use the American word!) titled ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’ made in 1986.

“ Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it” 

In the film a very young Matthew Broderick plays Ferris Bueller a Chicago high school student who takes a day off school with his girl friend and best friend.  Here is a very short bit of the film on you tube.

This week I want to to use this quote.
1.Tell us how busy is your life this week? What are you up to?
2.Look around to see that you could have missed? Take some photos and show us

I will leave you with another Ferris Bueller quote from the same film, which incidentally I have never seen!

The question isn’t “what are we going to do”, the question is “what aren’t we going to do”

I will say Happy Easter to you all, as this is Easter week. Be careful to avoid those chocolate eggs, they are apt to fall into your trolleys when you aren’t looking!!

Have a good week

Lynne xxxx

Sunday 24 March 2013

5 things: revelations & celebrity!

Well haven't we learnt such a lot about each other!!

I am always interested to hear about other people's lives and experiences and I am sure Karen's dropping into conversation that she was Linen Maid to the Queen Mother here!! is our blog equivalent of a tabloid scoop!  And Alison, how nice that my teacher story prompted you to say hello and thanks to your teacher too. 

Thanks everyone for your nostalgia moments, it really is lovely. I need to get by and say hi to everyone as it's been a busy week and I haven't quite been on the ball with comments.

I have some more bits to add over on my blog, but thought I would add a last Sunday prompt in case you all have a good story we should hear...

...can you tell us about your almost five minutes of fame, or your brush with a celebrity..

here's a hint of mine..

I'll see you this evening, looking forward to our quote next to all..K xx

Wednesday 20 March 2013

5 things... An Influential person?

Hey, I hope you are enjoying wondering what to share with us. I probably tell far too much without being asked so maybe it is harder for us chatty people to tell some unknown facts, so here's an extra prompt for your Wednesday..

...looking back, maybe to last week, last year or way back to your teens or before..

.....can you tell us about a person who was a big influence on you. 

Maybe it was someone who you knew for ages, who taught you, or lived close to you....a family member or a friend..

or maybe it was just someone you knew for a short time, something a kindly stranger said to you which changed the way you thought about something or someone .

.. or was it a famous person who shaped your teenage style.. go George Michael / Madonna / Twiggy!!

Just a thought.. I have someone, I will tell you over at my blog this evening...see you later..K x

Monday 18 March 2013

Nostalgia Challenge: 5 things!

Hmmm, I set this up to post at 6am.. and there it is, scheduled for 1pm.. bah, humbug, computers eh!!
Hope you didn't think I forgot! ;-)

Well it's week 3 again and after two organised months I am here writing on Sunday afternoon, typical of me to be last minute, but I kind of like it, that feeling of being almost late! Maybe some of us thrive on the tension?

So, to the challenge, only loosely linked to 'Nostalgia' this week I am asking you for information or facts about you, or just plain trivia, be as deep and meaningful or frivolous as you like..

Tell us 5 things we didn't know about you!
  • your birthplace
  • the things you just can't leave home without
  • the oldest piece of clothing in your wardrobe!
I'll be back over the next few days to give some more hints..

Happy pondering..

bye for now..Kathi xx

Sunday 17 March 2013

Let's reflect - March : End of the Laugh week

Hello everybody,

another week gone at the speed of light. 

I wonder how people manage to retire, I feel that the older I get, the busier I am, LOL.

I know I am not showing a very good example, but in case you finished your page for Let's reflect March, you can upload it on the link below. If you were too busy, not a big deal, you can upload later in the year.

As always it was a pleasure doing this challenge together. I see you again on April 8th, brace yourself as the word might not be as easy ( you didn't seriously think you could get away with hard brain work for more than 1 week, did you, LOL ? )

In the meanwhile, you take care and I speak to you soon, Anne xxx

Monday 11 March 2013

Let's reflect - March

Hi everybody,

last year I couldn't wait for 2012 to finish and 2013 to start. 

Now that we are in 2013, even only in March there is already so much hard stuff going on. May be taking one day at a time should be a better approach than waiting for 2014, LOL.

So . . .  ready for your monthly brainstorm with me ?

This week is going to be an easy one ( thanks God for my poor brain). After Serendipity and Impossible, our word for March is

What makes me laugh the most are other people laughing, (even if they laugh for no reason), as it seems contagious, that's the case of the video one below. I think I had it on my blog a while ago so some of you might have already seen it, although I have seen it hundreds of time and I still laugh.

I also like the situations I can identify with. That's the case for this video below, I first saw it in 1997 when I was living in Taiwan. I never went to that extreme, but I had a good start.

Laugh is excellent in many ways. It makes you feel close to other people, it relaxes you, it creates unforgettable memories, it helps building these deep wrinkles around your mouth 
( OK may be that's not so excellent actually, but it's a living proof you laugh a lot ), it makes you feel alive and happy. 

Laughing is what a baby does most of the time. It's only when we become adults, that we seem to laugh less,  although that's certainly not true for everybody, as I can see in my mind a couple of you giggling all day. Well if you don't laugh much, then we are going to try and change that, at least for this week.

So . . .  How often do you laugh, what makes you laugh, confess all the silly things you laugh about and if you have videos or photos to share, please upload them below.

This week is going to be pure fun, so have a great one and remember to laugh, it's said to be the best medicine to any kind of problem. ( Note to self : Make sure you do yourself what you recommend to others . . . ).

Take care everybody, Anne xxx

Friday 8 March 2013

The View Challenge: Additional Prompt | Neighbourhood

Hello Again.
Are you taking a photo of your neighbourhood? If so, it's that time again to take a photo.
I am away at the moment so I will join in at the weekend once I am home.
As a reminder though this was my February entry.
I am hoping there will be some daffodils this month.
Don't forget if you want to take one of the other views the linky stays up;
A recap - you can take a photo of:
 one of your favourite views;
one from your kitchen window/house;
one from your neighbourhood
or of course all three
and there are sketch layouts if you fancy scrapping any of them. 

Wednesday 6 March 2013

The View Challenge | Additional Prompt - Kitchen Window

As I mentioned yesterday I am at our scrapbooking retreat and so I have a different view out of our kitchen window this week. One of my favourite views of the year, the back garden at our regular retreat house in Olney, Bucks.
(That definitely isn't a fruit bowl full of chocolate, nooooo way)
This year the snowdrops are late so we have had their full effect and we have also seen the crocus display begin and go into full display yesterday. I should have taken the photo yesterday as the sun was out but hey-ho.

So, if you can take your photo from your kitchen window, back door, front door, whichever gives you a view. Please remember too that you do not have to take it this week if you don't want to or get chance you can take them anytime this month :)

Tuesday 5 March 2013

The View Challenge: Layouts & Sketches

Hello again, I am back with some layouts and sketches for this months view challenge...well I hope you get this. I am away at my group of friends' scrapbooking retreat (laughter, food, wine, a little bit of scrapping in between), and we have unreliable internet, so I hope it does post to you ok.

 Thank you Sue again for drawing the sketches, fab as usual.
 So I didn't take this photo in March, but it was at the end of Feb and I wanted to include it in the challenge. As I said I decided that I was going to take it from an aspect of the South West Coast Path and attempt to walk it from Ilfracombe to Braunton in stages. 
Mum and I decided to go from Croyde to Braunton which we figured was about 5 miles. A bit of a challenge for us as we aren't the fittest mother and daughter team you have ever encountered. Anyway, we went wrong and ended up doing 10 miles! Which wouldn't have been too bad if I had been dressed appropriately, as it was I was cold to start and I think probably had mild exposure by the time we got back. It took me ages to thaw out and my arms and wrists had relaxed from how they had seized up! Anyway, I am glad we did it, I am very glad we didn't have to have the coastguard out to rescue us and I am very, very glad that I cannot wait to get out and do the next bit. 
So both my layouts are done with the same photo taken from the headland point between Croyde and Saunton. 
Now please don't think that you need a big photo, it happened that snapfish gave me a free A4 print credit so I took them up on it, you can substitute it with a large piece of paper of course.
Ok, i'll be back in a couple of days with the kitchen window view prompt. Take care x

Monday 4 March 2013

The View Challenge | March

What, already? Goodness.
It is time to start thinking about our views. Some of you have been taking your favourite view or one you love, some of you have taken one in your neighbourhood and some of you are taking one from the kitchen window or one from a window or door. I love that. I have heard tales of windows being washed, flower pots being weeded and I did go to the tip especially :) I had no idea it would inspire such activity lol. It's a good thing though right?

Here is a reminder of the Sara Coleridge poem.

The Months
January brings the snow,
makes our feet and fingers glow.

February brings the rain,
thaws the frozen lake again.

March brings breezes loud and shrill,
stirs the dancing daffodil.

April brings the primrose sweet,
scatters daisies at our feet.

May brings flocks of pretty lambs,
skipping by their fleecy dams.

June brings tulips, lilies, roses,
fills the children's hand with posies.

Hot July brings cooling showers,
apricots and gillyflowers.

August brings the sheaves of corn,
then the harvest home is borne.

Warm September brings the fruit,
sportsmen then begin to shoot.

Fresh October brings the pheasants,
then to gather nuts is pleasant.

Dull November brings the blast,
then the leaves are whirling fast.

Chill December brings the sleet,
blazing fire, and christmas treat.

Sara Coleridge

So blog schedule for this week is;
Today: The challenge, a reminder to take your photo this week or this month, whichever you prefer.
Tuesday: The layouts and sketches.
Wednesday: Kitchen Window Photo Reminder and what I am doing with mine.
Friday: Neighbourhood Photo Reminder.
Sunday: Round-up.

I will add a linky to the post tomorrow as I have just realised the linky tool isn't working and it is silly o' clock so I will sort it out tomorrow.