Monday 4 February 2013

The View Challenge: February

Hello lovelies.

I am so glad we have Lucky Snapping to keep up with each other.
Firstly, I would like to say a massive thank you to Anne, Kathi, Lynne and Janice for their brilliant posts this month. We know Anne and Kathi have agreed to host each month and I am sure I can speak for the three of us that we hope that Lynne and Janice will contribute again as their quote and colour challenges will work over and over again as well. However, if any of you Lucky Snappers, new and old want to join in and help then please do let me know :)
So, my challenge, The View. I think I have changed my mind about this 100 times this month!
A couple of my friends are also calling it the kitchen window view and have taken the additional prompt on, which I love so I will be repeating that this month.

The one thing I do want it to be for me is that it is of the same view, so I get 12 months worth. However it would equally and more obviously work as a seasonal photo. So if you don't have time to join in every month, you could do one in January/February, then April/May, then July/August, then October/November. That would give you a real representation of the seasons as well.

Anyway, onto the challenge. It is to take a photo this month of your favourite view and then you will have 12 photos to represent each month. To hang it all together I am using the wonderful poem by Sara Coleridge.

The Months
January brings the snow,
makes our feet and fingers glow.

February brings the rain,
thaws the frozen lake again.

March brings breezes loud and shrill,
stirs the dancing daffodil.

April brings the primrose sweet,
scatters daisies at our feet.

May brings flocks of pretty lambs,
skipping by their fleecy dams.

June brings tulips, lilies, roses,
fills the children's hand with posies.

Hot July brings cooling showers,
apricots and gillyflowers.

August brings the sheaves of corn,
then the harvest home is borne.

Warm September brings the fruit,
sportsmen then begin to shoot.

Fresh October brings the pheasants,
then to gather nuts is pleasant.

Dull November brings the blast,
then the leaves are whirling fast.

Chill December brings the sleet,
blazing fire, and christmas treat.

Sara Coleridge

I mentioned that we may have snow during January to fit this months poem line of;
January brings the snow,
Makes our feet and fingers glow.
Well we did have snow in the majority of the country (I am so sorry on behalf of Mother Nature if you wanted it and you didn't get it) and notably for me according to my birthday wish this year, it arrived during the night of the 18th which was indeed my birthday. It made it a little special which it doesn't always feel like in the middle of January. I was always envious of my best friend Lisa, whose birthday is in August and we would spend it at the beach or in the sunshine. Not to mention the fact that as we fast approach 40 she is 8 months younger than I and we used to joke about how it was such a pain for her to have to wait to be 16, 17, 18 and how it wouldn't work for her until we were 40, that is so long ago now ;)

I will hopefully (if I remember to buy the photo paper) show you how the January layout ended up tomorrow.

So onto February.

February brings the rain,
thaws the frozen lake again.
My layout is all ready to go.

So some frost or some rain would suit, no doubt we will have the rain, and having seen the Countryfile weather forecast it is going to be cold enough for more wintry weather this week.

I'll be back tomorrow with more details of the layouts for those of you that are following along with that project.
I will add linky's on each post this week and then round them up at the end of the month.


  1. Looking forward to it Jen, your LO already looks beautiful.

  2. Wow Jen, aren't you organised, well done on getting a layout done wthout even taking the picture yet! I have my sofa view done yesterday, all I have to do is choose which one of five! Kids eh! I think April would do one of your 'extra' weeks..
    Oh and I'm sure we will all get rain ;-) xxx

    1. Thank you and that would be excellent if April would, when you see her have a chat through with when she would like to do it :)

  3. So in Jan I had a dull damp day, today it is mild and sunny as I took a photo, looking forward to doing another 'mini' LO for my album and decided what to do for Kathi,mine and Janice's week in the album, so plenty to do in Feb and yes I have a quote ready for last week in Feb if you need me, though perhaps April will be up for it? :)
    Thank you for this week xxx

    1. Hi Lynne, I think if you are happy to run quote weeks on week 4 as long as you are having inspiration and are not away then great.. looking forward I see April has 5 weeks so I think I'll ask our April if she fancies guesting then in week 5?

    2. Yes, that's a great idea, I am sure she would be brilliant !

    3. Hi.. I asked and she would be delighted, that's week 5 in April.. week beg 29th.. it's just after her birthday so she says that will be great.. ta da xx

    4. Well done, looking forward to it ! xx

    5. Thank you, fine to do Week 4 each month unless there is someone else :)

  4. I love that we are back at the beginning again. I came home early today as the forecast is for snow again, although no sign as yet, it is very wet and gusty, so I have a wet February picture (doesn't look much different to the January one!). I'd be happy to do a week of prompts again when needed, just let me know.

  5. That's great.. I love how we are all doing it together, as a group making it happen both sides of the challenge.. hope the snow isn't too awkward if it comes!

  6. Lovely Lo, love the papers. Look forward to seeing the view x

  7. Brilliant news about April guesting in April :)

    I have come down with something today and am in bed so apologies if the layouts are later in the week. I am not up to anything tonight :( Great to see some photos already :) xxx

  8. Your layout is very beautiful, Jennie! Congratulations!
    Get Well soon as possible!
    Thank you for this week!

  9. Hope you are feeling better soon Jennie.

  10. Hugs Jenn and look after yourself xx

  11. Well Jen isn't feeling too good, in bed actually, so the posts might be delayed a bit this week. xxx

  12. Get well soon Jen, take care. x

  13. No worries Jen, the idea was to pop in and keep in touch weekly, anything more is a lovely bonus.. hope you are feeling perkier soon .. best place ..bed.. this weather xxx

  14. Thanks my lovelies, I have managed to open the laptop and get another prompt up, but I am doing it from my bed and that is it for tonight :) xxxxx

  15. just found this sight great for changes pics........... xxxxx

  16. Murphy's Law it would snow the very day following my January photo, so I've cheated and added in a snowy view on my February page. I am enjoying this challenge. Thank you.
    Sue x
